Welcome to the Families of Addicts Website




Join us for support, friendship and education at our weekly meetings. All are welcome as we work to overcome addiction together.

What We Do

FOA hosts weekly meetings in several locations which consist of open discussion, speakers, friendship, and education. Families, individuals in recovery and those seeking recovery meet together. This unique approach fosters a better understanding of how addiction affects every member of the family.  Through a warm line and individual contact, FOA connects people to treatment and provides access to resources which have been thoroughly vetted.

FOA attends many outreach and speaking events, creates awareness, and reduces the stigma. Each year, FOA holds a rally in Dayton which draws thousands of people, showcases over 60 resources, shows recovery is possible and helps reduce the stigma.


To educate, empower and embrace families, friends and individuals struggling with addiction by providing support and promoting recovery.


Become the model organization, empowering individuals and families along the continuum of addiction and recovery.


Reduce the stigma of addiction, ensure availability of adequate treatment and recovery support services and influence public opinion regarding the value of recovery.


Families, friends and individuals from 6 counties are served at 4 meeting sites in Ohio, with an additional meeting site in North Carolina


Individuals served via telephone, email and text each year, providing guidance and resources


Outreach and speaking events held to create awareness and reduce stigma

We’re Here to Help

FOA believes that the more knowledge that an individual acquires about the illness of addiction, the more prepared they will be should it enter their lives. Please consider joining us at our weekly meetings or browse our resources. We would love to welcome you into our family.
Be supported, valued, better. Connection is our strength. Call or text 567-FOA-LINK (567-362-5465)


FOA-LINK Support Network is a helpline dedicated to providing ongoing support and resources for anyone touched by addiction. Call or text 567-FOA-LINK (567-362-5465) to get connected with our support team.

Meeting Locations

We welcome both loved ones and those seeking or in long-term recovery to come together for support, friendship and education.

We’re Here to Help

We need your support to give hope and help families and individuals struggling with addiction. If you’re interested in joining our cause and would like more information, please complete the volunteer profile.

© 2025 Families of Addicts. All rights reserved.